Bold and the Beautiful

Bold and Beautiful 2-Week Spoilers Sept 23-Oct 4: Taylor Rubs Brooke the Wrong Way

You’re reading to DrinkFood, the latest in television entertainment news. Hey, B&B fans! I’ve got your two-week spoilers for Monday, September 23rd, all the way through Friday, October 4th. By the end of these two weeks, we are going to see Taylor rubbing Brooke the wrong way in a big way, and things are going to get tense. Of course, Brooke doesn’t know that her rival is in town because she is dying.

It’s Belinda from DrinkFood, and we’re going to kick everything off with the spoilers for Monday, September 23rd. Late last week, we found out that yes, Taylor is indeed dying, which I had predicted because I don’t trust Brad Bell. He either recast her to drag us through another months-long “someone’s dying” plot only to save them, or he’s brought her back to actually kill her off so fans stop asking, “When are you going to bring back Taylor?” Maybe he hasn’t even decided yet!

So, Taylor meets with someone—referred to as a connection—and tells them a secret. Referring to them as a connection makes me think it’s not family, so probably not Finn. However, Finn is having a conversation with his mother, Dr. Lee Finnegan, on Monday. Of course, Lee knows that Taylor is dying, and she asks him, “If a member of your family were dying, wouldn’t you want to know?” Finn responds that he absolutely would. I’m curious if Lee would tell Finn but only as a fellow doctor, sharing the information within the hospital. It’s a gray area since Taylor didn’t tell Lee as her physician, but I feel like Finn won’t be able to say anything to Steffy once he finds out.

On Tuesday, September 24th, Steffy starts to suspect her mom, Taylor, is hiding something—and of course, she is. But when Steffy presses her, Taylor won’t spill. I don’t know when Taylor plans to tell them or why she’s holding back. Maybe she’s waiting for more tests and a prognosis from the hospital where Lee and Finn work, or maybe she’s just postponing the inevitable because she feels like there’s nothing that can be done. Ridge tells Brooke that he made a promise to Steffy to do all he can to keep Taylor in town. While Brooke tells her sister she’s confident, she’s clearly not thrilled about Ridge getting too close to Taylor.

On Wednesday, September 25th, over at the Spencer Mansion, Bill and Katie are talking about the future. Bill is hinting that he wants to know if Katie is interested in getting back together. It’s funny because when Bill was seeing Poppy, Katie wouldn’t stay away and kept pushing her out of the picture. Now that Poppy’s gone, Katie’s playing coy—does she no longer want Bill? I hope that’s not where this is headed for him.

On Thursday, September 26th, Will, Katie, and Bill sit down, and Bill says he needs them with him—he’s talking about reuniting as a family. Will Spencer is trying to understand why his parents aren’t together. I wonder if Katie will tell their son the truth: that one of the biggest issues is that Bill thinks his Aunt Brooke is his soulmate. He’s said it out loud, and to me, that’s a deal-breaker. It’ll be interesting to see how honest they’ll be with Will or if Bill will just brush it off and say, “It’s my fault.”

Also on Thursday, Steffy and Hope are bickering again, which will continue into Friday and next week. They argue about Brooke, Ridge, and Taylor, with each daughter firmly in Team Brooke or Team Taylor. I wonder if Hope will throw some shade, like, “You’re worried about me turning into my mom? What about your mom coming back to steal my mom’s boyfriend?” It’s going to be catty, and I’m here for it!

On Friday, September 27th, Jökull Júlíusson, the Icelandic rock star from Kaleo, will perform his song, “Way Down We Go”. I hadn’t heard of Kaleo before, but after listening to their music earlier, I’m a huge fan! They sing in English, and Jökull has an amazingly soulful voice. Their music is a mix of rock and blues, and you’re going to love it. I totally recommend checking them out on your favorite music platform—Kaleo is spelled K-A-L-E-O.

Jökull’s performance is part of a promo for Brooke’s Bedroom, essentially a glorified ad. Taylor is watching the live stream, and she’s struggling because she sees Brooke and Ridge looking close. The whole event revolves around Brooke, and it’s really bothering Taylor. Earlier in the week, Taylor tells Brooke and Ridge that she’s happy they’re together and that they have a lot to look forward to—because she knows she doesn’t have much to look forward to.

Steffy is also aggravated because her husband, Finn, is a fan of Kaleo, as is Hope, and they bond over their love for the band. This rubs Steffy the wrong way. Bridget is back to see the show as well, and of course, when a doctor shows up, it’s interesting, especially since we know someone’s dying.

Week of September 30th to October 4th

By the next week, we have to ask: with Bridget back, is she going to be part of Taylor’s treatment team, like she was for Eric Forrester? Another dying (or not dying) storyline might be brewing, which could frustrate fans. I’m worried Brad Bell is heading in that direction again, but he doesn’t seem to care.

Finn and Hope’s bonding during the mini-concert will not only bother Steffy but probably Taylor too, especially since Brooke promised her that Hope would back away from Finn, and now they’re all up in each other’s faces again.

Bill and Katie will continue considering a reunion, and I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop with Poppy. She won’t go away quietly, will she?

By the second week, Finn should probably know by then that Taylor has a fatal heart condition, but he won’t be able to tell Steffy because of doctor-patient confidentiality, and that could cause stress in their marriage. Meanwhile, Brooke’s confidence will waver as she’s increasingly bothered by Ridge’s closeness with Taylor. Taylor, for her part, is trying to avoid telling Steffy the truth about her health, but the secret won’t stay hidden for long.

As we head toward November sweeps, we’ll likely hit a high note with the Taylor dying (or not dying) storyline.

Those are all our two-week spoilers! Thank you so much for tuning in. Please click subscribe if you’re not following us, and drop your comments below to let me know what you’re excited to see. Come back soon—it’s me, Belinda from DrinkFood, talking Bold and the Beautiful with you every single day of the week.

Thank you for being a loyal reading!

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