The Young and the Restless

Young and the Restless: Sharon Murders Heather – Any Chance She Survived?

You’re reading to DrinkFood, the latest in television entertainment news. Hey Y&R fans, so Sharon Newman went and did some murder. She attacked Heather Stevens and then dumped her body. But remember, it’s a soap, so you can’t say dead and gone just yet. It’s Belinda from DrinkFood, and let’s talk about what Sharon does to Heather and whether there’s any chance at all she survived this bloody incident.

So, last we saw Sharon before this murdery moment, she was with Cameron, dripping some poison into Daniel’s whiskey bottle. I was worried that Heather or underage drinker Lucy might get into it and get sick or get dead, but what happened to Heather was so much worse than getting some poisoned booze. By the end of that last episode, where she was poisoning it, Sharon was leaving the apartment. She spilled the toxic whiskey, broke a couple of glasses, and then Heather appeared at the door. She busted her, and of course, wanted to know why Sharon was in their apartment and how she got in.

Heather wouldn’t let Sharon leave and demanded answers. This is the Thursday US episode. Every question Heather asked was met by another lie from Sharon. She said she was there to wait on Daniel and that he told her the super could let her in to wait. Heather’s like, “No, that’s a lie.” Whatever flimsy excuse Sharon made—and there were several—Heather was right there calling her out. “No, that’s a lie, that’s a lie, that’s a lie.”

Then, Heather accused Sharon of being there to harm Daniel or someone else in the family. Heather called Sharon out for the recent events where she’s been terrorizing all of them, and Sharon insists she just wanted to talk to Daniel, to ask him to leave town. Sharon said seeing him is a constant reminder that he killed Cassie—that’s how she’s saying it. Heather didn’t like that one bit and said, “That’s not what happened.” She reminded Sharon that Cassie was driving, not Daniel. It was a terrible accident, and he feels bad about it and thinks about it all the time, which is its own punishment.

But Sharon’s unraveling, and when a scared Heather grabbed her phone, things got physical. Sharon slapped the phone out of Heather’s hand. Heather told Sharon she was going to call Nick, and that set Sharon off. She screamed and begged Heather not to. Then Heather said, “Maybe I’ll just call 911.” She reached for her phone, and Sharon ran for the door. Heather should have let her go, but instead, she chased her, and all hell broke loose.

Sharon threw Heather down onto the floor. Heather yelled at her, “You’ve lost your mind!” Then Sharon blacked out. When she came to, Heather was on the floor with a bloody head injury and, apparently, no pulse. Cameron was there, advising Sharon to clean things up ASAP. Sharon wrapped Heather’s body in sheets—blood everywhere—grabbed up the broken glass and the whiskey bottle. Sharon took Heather’s phone, keys, and purse, basically all evidence that Heather was ever in the apartment.

Sharon dragged Heather down the stairs and shoved her into the trunk of her car. Then, she drove to a bridge and dumped Heather’s body into the river. Cameron was proud of her, which is a terrible sign. Back at the seedy side motel, Sharon was horrified by what she did. Cameron told her, “You’ll learn to live with it,” and reminded her she’s killed before. Sharon was hallucinating a man she killed, and while Cameron deserved it, Heather certainly didn’t.

Cameron thinks the body won’t be found, but here’s my question: This being a soap opera, is Heather really dead? Heather sure seemed dead—bloody head wound, no pulse, and Sharon definitely dumped her body. But this is The Young and the Restless, where dead is not always dead. Remember when Chloe blew up Adam, but he showed up years later with a new face?

Sharon blacked out, so we didn’t see the exact injury. Head wounds can bleed a lot, even if they aren’t fatal. Sharon isn’t a doctor, and she was in a manic state. There’s a chance she misread the situation. Dragging Heather downstairs would have caused more damage, but dumping her in cold water could have stopped the bleeding, maybe even saving her life.

So, could Heather have survived? Maybe. If Sharon missed something, Heather might wash up downstream and be found alive. If Heather’s dead, Sharon could face serious consequences, or maybe Heather survives, which would be better for Sharon.

But one more theory—what if this is all a nightmare Sharon is having? She’s hallucinating Cameron, so this whole event could be a bad dream. We’ll know more soon, but if Heather really is dead, Sharon’s life will change forever.

Be sure to drop your comments, subscribe if you haven’t, and definitely come back. It’s me, Belinda from DrinkFood, talking The Young and the Restless with you seven days a week. Thank you for being a loyal reading.

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