The Young and the Restless

Young and the Restless: Diane & Audra Team Up to Punish Kyle, Jack and Victor?

You’re listening to Soap Dirt, the latest in television entertainment news. Hey Y&R fans, well Diane Jenkins and Audra Charles have three enemies in common right now, and I can see these very angry and very determined women working together to teach these men a lesson. It’s Belinda from Soap Dirt, and let’s talk about how they might take aim at a couple of Abbotts and a Newman for payback. But first, hit subscribe if you’re not following us!

So this week, Audra Charles gave Jack Abbott some information that could get her sued because she basically broke a legal agreement. She confirmed Jack’s worst suspicions that Victor Newman is the money man behind GLAAD and the reason that Kyle Abbott is acting so awfully. Despite Audra taking a huge risk and violating her NDA to give Jack the info, he didn’t care. He basically told Audra, “too bad, so sad.”

You know, she wanted Jack to help her get back GLAAD and said she would help him get back Kyle and get him away from Victor’s clutches. But not only was Jack not interested in what Audra was offering, he dismissed her out of hand and said she would never get GLAAD back, and she could never beat Victor. Of course, that rubbed Audra the wrong way, and she blames Kyle for getting her fired from GLAAD.

Mind you, she doesn’t know right now that Victor fired her because Kyle stole something from Jabot, but I think she’s going to figure that out pretty soon. She also knows that Victor used her to get GLAAD away from Tucker McCall, so Victor, Kyle, and Jack are all on Audra’s list of enemies right now.

So let’s flip over and talk about Diane Jenkins. For months now, Kyle’s been a real entitled little brat. He’s the one who suggested Diane get the co-CEO job at Jabot, and then he began undermining her at every turn—going behind her back, being shady, doing deals without her knowledge, and just making her life hard. When Diane called Kyle out, he doubled down. Left with no choice but to tolerate his sabotage or do something about it, Diane fired Kyle.

Jack didn’t like it, but initially, he supported her. They both thought Kyle needed a reality check, and he would back down, apologize, and come back to work. But instead, he betrayed his parents, betrayed the family business, and Victor was right there to take advantage of it. Since then, Jack has been getting more aggressive with Diane, blaming her as much as he blames Victor, but not blaming Kyle as much as he should be.

Diane has dealt with constant backlash from Jack, blame from Kyle, and taunting from Victor. She already told Jack that he sees her as the same person she was decades ago—selfish and manipulative. Jack basically confirmed that this week, and it really hurt her. Kyle said some nasty things to her too, even telling her he didn’t want to be around her. Victor called her a gold digger who only came back for power—all of this happened in public, in a very humiliating way.

So, Diane also has Victor, Jack, and Kyle on her list. I just wonder if Audra and Diane will sit down together, have a serious talk, and something big comes out of it. Audra isn’t one to let things slide, and neither is Diane. When Audra spoke to Jack, she hoped to get an ally to help take down Jack, humble Kyle into crawling back to his parents, and defeat Victor. But Jack rejected Audra and mocked her, saying she was no match for Victor.

Diane wouldn’t do that—I don’t think she would mock Audra. There’s a problem from the start though, because Diane doesn’t like Audra much and thought she was leading Kyle astray. But now, Diane knows better—it was Victor’s influence leading Kyle away and tempting him to betray the Abbotts by stealing Jabot’s product.

I can see Diane and Audra having a very informative chat that turns into a big revenge scheme. If Diane tells Audra that GLAAD is launching a product stolen from Jabot, and they work together to get proof that Kyle stole it under Victor’s orders, that could be phase one of their plan. If Audra uses her contacts at GLAAD, Diane could press criminal charges against both Kyle and Victor.

From there, Diane might cause trouble for Jack by triggering a vote of no confidence at Jabot because he refused to press charges against Kyle, despite knowing he stole that product. The board might put Diane in charge, or maybe Billy Abbott could step in if he’s fired from Chancellor. Who knows, Diane might even wind up working with Audra over at GLAAD if they can get it away from Victor!

If Victor is facing criminal charges for industrial espionage, it would be great to see Audra and Diane give these men a reality check for thinking they’re all-powerful. I think it would be poetic justice if Victor, Jack, and Kyle are all forced out of their positions by angry women who outsmart them. These guys are playing revenge games, and I think that would be really cool.

So, what do you think? Will Audra and Diane team up for a powerful payback plan? Take down Victor, punish Kyle, and teach Jack a lesson? Nikki might even get involved too!

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