Bold and the Beautiful

Bold and the Beautiful: Brooke Demands Wedding – Ridge Faces Ultimatum?

You’re listening to Soap Dirt, the latest in television entertainment news. Hey Bold fans! So, Brooke Logan insists she does not feel threatened about losing Ridge Forrester to his ex-wife, but her actions say otherwise. It’s Belinda from Soap Dirt, and we’re going to talk about why we might see a Bridge wedding coming soon after a scathing ultimatum from Brooke aimed at Ridge. And, of course, it’s all about Taylor Hayes.

Before we dive in, though, please click subscribe if you’re not following us. Ever since Brooke found out Taylor was in town, she’s been singing a tune about being confident in her love for Ridge—that he chose her and nothing can shake them. Sounds good, right? Sure, Jan. Right?

I mean, how many times has Ridge chosen her over Taylor? A lot. But then again, how many times has Ridge chosen Taylor over Brooke? Quite a few. The man is a relationship seesaw. He’s a waffler. He’s indecisive, triangle-loving, and he’s a manho whose ego overrides loyalty. Ridge seems incapable of being a one-woman man for very long, so I don’t know why Brooke seems so certain this time.

Sure enough, when Ridge was suddenly spending so much time with Taylor, Brooke’s confidence was shaken. It sure didn’t help that Steffy Forrester kept harping about how much her dad loves her mom—and always will. Of course, Steffy loves to take aim at Brooke and shake up her confidence about Ridge, so much so that Brooke decided to go spy on Ridge and Taylor. And she was shocked by what she saw, as any woman would be.

I saw some comments here from some of you guys saying that since Brooke and Ridge aren’t married, it wasn’t that big a deal. I have to respectfully disagree. They are committed, they live together, and they’re in a monogamous relationship. So, Ridge having his ex-wife, Taylor, straddling him? It’s a pretty big deal. Brooke was right to be upset.

But then it got weird on Wednesday’s episode for me. After Ridge assured her it was the right thing to do because Taylor had this big breakthrough, Brooke climbed onto Ridge’s lap to do the same thing—but to make it a true yab yum naughty pose. It just kind of icked me out. Like, Brooke wanted to do exactly what she saw him doing with Taylor but making it ten times more intimate and naughty. I don’t know exactly why it icked me out, I just know that it did. Drop a comment if it icked you out and let me know if you know why it bothered you. I’m not sure why it bothered me, only that it did.

Anyway, bottom line: this is far from over. Ridge is not going to stay away from Taylor. He promised her he’s going to be there throughout her healing process, which is also far from over. And Steffy is going to be Miss Busybody. Now that she knows Taylor is sick, she’s going to be pushing Ridge at her mom and trying to keep Brooke out of the way more than ever.

So, I fully expect Taylor to face more pushback from Brooke. Stuff like, “Stay away from my man. Don’t you dare try and take him. Hands off. I know what you’re up to. Your health condition is an excuse,” blah, blah. Same old, same old we’ve been listening to for decades. Literally decades. And Ridge will do his thing where he nods and just keeps doing whatever he wants with Taylor as often as he wants to.

For all those reasons, I expect we’re going to hear an ultimatum from Brooke. She wants a wedding, and she wants it now. Remember, we just had Bill Spencer asking Brooke why she’s not married to Ridge. That came hot on the heels of Katie Logan rejecting Bill’s offer to reunite and put their family back together. Katie told him it hurt her because he has left her more than once for her big sister, Brooke. And Bill has called her sister the love of his life more than once.

And remember, not long after Katie said “No thanks,” Bill was, to me, being pretty flirty with Brooke and asking about her relationship status with Ridge. Brooke explained that she and Ridge didn’t need another wedding—they’ve been there, done that quite a few times. She said they didn’t really need it at this point. She said that she and Ridge are committed, and they both know it.

That was fine a couple of weeks ago, but after Brooke saw Ridge yab yuming with Taylor, I don’t think she is quite as certain anymore. So, I think Brooke will pressure Ridge to put a ring on her finger and have Carter officiate, and she’s going to want that wedding ASAP.

Here’s the thing, though: with Taylor still suffering from broken heart syndrome, even though she’s on the road to healing, I don’t think Ridge will want to do a wedding right now. I think he’ll tell Brooke, “Okay, we can get married, but later, when the time is right.” For Ridge, he wants to be respectful of Taylor’s condition, give her time to completely recover, and not put her health at risk. Ridge thinks he and Brooke have all the time in the world, and Taylor’s recovery should be the priority.

Meanwhile, Brooke feels threatened—not just by Taylor, but by Steffy harping on her parents’ love for one another, and by Ridge spending so much time alone with his ex. So, I can honestly see Brooke hitting Ridge with an ultimatum: marry me right now or else. If she does that, I don’t see any ultimatum from Brooke going over very well with Ridge. If Brooke pushes him too far, I can see Ridge pushing back, asking, “Why are you acting like this? Are you that insecure? Why would you put your insecurities above Taylor’s health—the mother of my other children?”

If Brooke insists on a wedding right now, out of jealousy and insecurity, I honestly don’t think Ridge will do it. So yeah, this could get messy.

As I’ve said before, no matter what happens—with a wedding demand or whatever—I’m 100% certain that once the dust settles, Brooke will wind up with Ridge, whether there’s a wedding ring on her finger or not. At the same time, I don’t want Brad Bell to drag us through months of “Will Taylor steal Ridge from Brooke? Will Ridge finally choose Taylor over Brooke?” when we all know it’s not going to work out that way. It’s going to wind up with Ridge and Brooke together.

Let’s hope it doesn’t go that way. Let’s hope Brad Bell doesn’t drag us through that again. But honestly, I really fear he’s going to. We’ll see.

I do fully expect Brooke to make some kind of marriage demand to Ridge just because she’s feeling a certain way, and I think she wants a ring on her finger to shut down any expectation she might see in Taylor’s mind that there’s hope Ridge might choose her. I don’t think Taylor has that expectation. I think Taylor sees that Ridge is committed to Brooke. But I think Brooke is actually misreading Taylor and wants a ring, wants that commitment that she didn’t feel like she needed before.

So, we’ll see. Wait and watch because sweeps is kicking off at the end of this month, and we might see a push toward a Bridge wedding.

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