General Hospital

General Hospital: Portia Blames Brad – Lab Tech Takes Fall for Faked Test?

You’re reading to DrinkFood. Hey General Hospital fans! So, as suspected, Portia Robinson did indeed tamper with that blood test, but is Brad Cooper going to take the fall for her dodgy deed?

It’s Belinda from DrinkFood, and we’re going to talk about the inevitable fallout from this janky but also justified move that Trina’s mama bear made. I said here before that I thought Portia was the one who messed with the test because she was staring so hard at that blood vial after she took Heather’s blood sample. She also insisted on taking it herself—so many red flags!

But at the same time, you really can’t blame Portia. Heather was planning to murder Trina Robinson with her poisoned hook. Yes, right now Heather is free of cobalt, but long-time viewers like us know this replacement hip is not what made her dangerous. Maybe it’s what made her the Hook Killer, but Heather was crazy long before her hip went bad! This rewrite, trying to make a longtime psycho seem harmless because of the cobalt issue, is frustrating for fans who remember the real history of Heather Webber.

When Robin Matson played her for so long, we knew exactly what Heather was doing. So, despite her violent past, predating the hip implant, this is where we are now. And let’s be clear: Portia wasn’t messing around. She was not going to let Heather get out of jail no matter what. From Portia’s perspective, Trina’s life is at stake—literally.

You might remember what Portia did when Oz Haggerty was in a coma? That creepy, sketchy drug dealer who sold Esme the phone she used to make the dirty tape of Joss and Cameron? Oz was poisoned and in bad shape—likely by Esme—and Portia risked his life by bringing him out of his coma to get info for the police. This move helped exonerate Trina, who was facing criminal charges over the Joss and Cam tape.

Portia’s made it clear: don’t mess with her baby girl. So yeah, I totally get why she tampered with Heather’s blood test. It makes perfect sense to me as a parent. Portia doesn’t seem to feel bad about doing bad things to bad people in order to protect Trina. I feel certain that Portia didn’t care if Oz Haggerty died when she woke him up from that medically induced coma—as long as she got the info she needed.

In her mind, he was a lowlife who sold the phone to Esme, aiding her attempt to ruin Trina’s life. Sure, Oz didn’t know exactly what Esme would do with the phone, but he was still shady. By the same token, Portia had no issue tampering with Heather’s test to ensure she stays in Pentonville to rot for the rest of her life. Totally understandable.

But is Portia about to target someone else she thinks is a lowlife? With Brad Cooper back at the lab, I wonder if Portia will let him take the fall for what she did. Remember, she chewed out Terry in a recent episode for rehiring Brad, and when Portia left the room, she looked panicked. For all his devious ways, Brad is good in the lab—he’s no fool. He would know if a test had been tampered with. He’s done plenty of test tampering himself, so he’d recognize the signs.

And if you recall, Portia told Terry that if Brad makes one mistake, she’d fire him. To me, that sounds like a setup. And now Rick Lansing has already figured out something is wrong with Heather’s blood test at the GH lab. Liz helped him confirm his suspicions by comparing the independent lab report with the GH report. Rick plans to have more blood work done on Heather by another independent lab, and soon, he’ll have proof that someone tampered with the test.

Portia only changed the cobalt levels, not the other items tested. So, when you compare the tests, it’s clear just one thing was altered—the one thing that mattered. That’s very suspect.

Some people commented here, saying Brad couldn’t have done it because he wasn’t working there when Heather’s blood work was done. But yes, he was! Brad talked to Terry about six episodes before Portia did the blood draw. From their conversation, it’s clear Terry rehired him quickly and put him back to work. He’s already been in the lab a month, so Brad was there when Heather’s blood work was done.

That, unfortunately, puts Brad at risk. He could be a suspect, and he could face criminal charges for tampering with the test. This isn’t just a civil case—it’s part of a criminal case since Rick was trying to lessen some of the charges against Heather. So, if Rick starts sniffing around, Portia might throw Brad under the bus to protect herself.

Not only did Brad have the means and opportunity to mess with Heather’s test, but he had a strong personal motive. Heather murdered Britt Westbourne with her poisoned hook, and Britt was Brad’s best (and only) friend. That gives Brad a motive just as real as Portia’s. So, while Portia might not even be suspected initially, Brad’s history will work against him.

Brad has a shady past—helping Britt steal Lulu and Dante’s embryo, tampering with Finn’s drug test, and swapping babies when his and Lucas Jones’ baby died of SIDS. He’s engaged in blackmail and other schemes. By comparison, Portia seems above board, but let’s be honest—Brad might have helped tamper with Heather’s test if Portia had asked him. But instead, Portia acted alone, and I think Brad might go down for what she did—at least at first.

Are there security cameras in the lab? There are cameras all over hospitals, especially to prevent drug theft or violence. I wonder if Portia was caught on camera tampering with Heather’s test. Brad might figure it out and confront her, only for Portia to try and blame him.

I think Portia will eventually be exposed, but Brad may take the heat first. Terry could lecture him about blowing his second chance and fire him. Portia might think she’s gotten away with it, but in the end, this lie will catch up with her. Remember her big lie about Trina’s paternity? That came out right after her wedding to Curtis and nearly ended their marriage. Portia only confesses when forced to. I think this lie will bite her too.

But I doubt Brad will stick around at GH. I think they brought him back just for this little arc, and then he’ll be gone again. I’d love it if he stayed, but I’m not optimistic. How long until Portia sets Brad up for her dodgy deed? Again, I get why she did it, but letting someone else take the fall? That’s just sketchy.

Will Brad pay for Portia’s plotting? It looks like it. Let me know what you think—drop your comments! Please come back soon, and if you haven’t subscribed yet, do so now!

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