Bold and the Beautiful

Bold and the Beautiful: Steffy Vows to End Hope’s Line After Carter Fling Exposed

You’re listening to Soap Dirt, the latest in television entertainment news. Hey Bold fans! Well, Steffy Forrester seems determined to put an end to Hope for the Future, but Carter Walton just made a passionate case to keep it going. However, in a recent interview, Jacqueline Wood spilled some tea about what her B&B alter ego will do when she finds out about Carter and Hope’s new romance—and it is not going to be pretty. It’s Belinda from Soap Dirt, and hey, please hit that subscribe button if you’re not following us. Let’s dive into what Jackie said and what’s ahead, which is so twisted.

So, we know that Steffy is looking for any excuse to cut Hope’s line. Steffy already wanted to slash it even before Hope kissed Finn, and after that drunken smooch that Hope planted on Steffy’s husband, she doubled down on ending it. Let’s be real—ever since Thomas Forrester left town, Hope for the Future has been on a downhill slide to failure and cancellation, and there seems to be no sign of Matt Atkinson returning, which has upset a lot of fans.

Meanwhile, Brooke is certain that Steffy will do whatever she can to crush Hope’s line and ruin her life. Brooke even ran to Finn to ask him to intervene, which he refused to do (a very smart move on his part). So, actress Jackie Wood said in an interview with TV Water Cooler that Steffy’s target is Hope, and while it may be a little personal, it’s also business too. The Hope for the Future line is underperforming, and that’s what Steffy said, and what we saw in the last meeting about Hope for the Future, which Steffy hosted.

That was a few weeks ago when Hope thought for sure that Steffy was going to end her line then and there. Brooke thought so too, but Steffy surprised everyone in the room by giving Hope more time to bring things up to an acceptable level. After the meeting, however, Steffy cornered Hope alone in the design office and threatened her. Steffy told Hope if she doesn’t stay away from Finn—if she goes near him, lays a hand or a lip on him, lurks around him, or even thinks about him—then Steffy will cut her line immediately.

Since then, Hope has worked hard to forget about Finn, and she’s doing pretty well. Heck, she doesn’t even have time to think about Finn because Carter has made it clear he wants to date her. And, of course, that’s when unreliable waffle-boy Liam came sniffing around, asking to reconcile with her after treating her so badly for years. Hope has been clear with Liam that she’s not interested, but he’s not taking no for an answer—he’s a Spencer, after all.

At the same time, Carter isn’t backing down either. He’s persistent, and he’s the one Hope seems most interested in. She thinks Carter could be a one-woman man, and most of the time, he is. That could be good for her… maybe. We’ll see. Fans are divided, but there’s a problem: Steffy thought Hope was trying to use Carter to help her failing line. That’s what Steffy assumed when she walked in on them in the design office. She had no idea that Carter and Hope had just been kissing, and she almost walked in on it.

Steffy warned Hope not to try using Carter to bolster her chances of keeping Hope for the Future alive. Hope said she wouldn’t, but she was just glad Steffy didn’t catch what they were really doing. Now, Carter is appealing to Steffy and Ridge to not only keep Hope for the Future going but also to invest more in it to make it a success—just like Ridge asked them to do with Brooke’s Bedroom, which paid off nicely.

It’s interesting that Carter compared it to that because Ridge advocated for Brooke’s Bedroom since he’s involved with Brooke, and now Carter is advocating for Hope for the Future because he’s getting involved with Hope. Steffy, however, kept pushing Carter for rock-solid sales numbers—no projections, no fluff—just numbers. But Carter shifted the focus, saying that Hope is a bright light that Forrester can’t afford to lose.

I do believe Carter will sway the executives to keep the line and invest in it. Maybe not in the same way they did with Brooke’s Bedroom, but perhaps something more significant. However, Carter pushing so hard for Hope has me wondering if he fudged the projections to make things look better than they are. Think about that.

Jackie Wood also spoke about Hope and Carter in the same interview. She said Steffy doesn’t know about Carter just yet, but it will be “pretty explosive” when she finds out. Jackie’s words were “pretty explosive,” and she said it’s jeopardizing the Forrester name. I wonder if she meant that Hope for the Future is jeopardizing the family name, or if it’s Carter’s involvement with Hope that’s the real issue.

The Forrester family needs to trust Carter to make unbiased business decisions, not be influenced by his feelings. Then again, we all know Ridge often makes decisions with other body parts, so Carter might just be carrying on a Forrester tradition!

Jackie said it will be explosive when Steffy finds out about Carter and Hope, and I wonder if Steffy will run straight to Ridge and demand they end Hope’s line. Will Steffy accuse Carter of bias and suggest they need to fire him—and Hope? How bad will the fallout be? Will Ridge and Eric confront Carter and ask if his feelings for Hope influenced his decisions? This could get messy fast.

Of course, Brooke will defend Hope and Carter, and she’ll probably expect Ridge to take her side, which will put him in a bad spot with Steffy. Hope will likely feel bad for Carter getting into trouble because he was trying to help her. As for Hope for the Future, there may be no hope for its future once Steffy finds out Carter is falling for Hope.

I can only imagine Steffy will accuse Hope of throwing herself at Carter, using him to help her line—a typical Logan manipulation, something Steffy loves to accuse the Logans of doing. It’s going to get messy, and I’m guessing it will all explode during the November sweeps, which kick off in just nine episodes from now.

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