Bold and the Beautiful

Bold and the Beautiful Taylor Bait & Switch – Thomas Dies and Mom Gets His Heart

You’re reading Drinkfood. Hey Bold and the Beautiful fans! We’ve got this Taylor Hayes death storyline, but I’m pretty skeptical already. I also worry that when Thomas Forrester heads home, he might be dragged into it in a very bad way.

It’s Belinda from Soap Dirt, and we’re going to dive into this sketchy plot that could end with Taylor dying, no one dying, or somebody else dying instead of her.

First off, on a recent episode when Lee Finnegan was talking to Taylor, Taylor mentioned feeling tired and off during exercise. So she went to her doctor, and what I gathered is her primary care doctor told her she’s in heart failure and dying. When Lee asked Taylor if she’d seen a cardiologist, Taylor said no. Really? A general practice doctor says you’re dying, and Taylor’s just like, “Well, that’s it, I’m about to die”?

That reminds me of when I get a bad migraine and decide I have a tumor or aneurysm. Then, hours later, it’s better, and I realize I was overreacting. That’s what Taylor is doing—making assumptions. It’s weird. Yes, she’s a medical doctor, but she’s a psychiatrist, not a heart specialist. Lee offered her some cardiologist referrals, so I imagine Taylor’s prognosis might change once she sees a heart expert. But since they’ve already started down the “she’s dying” route, I’m sure we’ll hear more of that.

Surely, though, a heart transplant is on the table, right? She’s young and healthy enough to qualify, with no other illnesses. It’s just crazy. By the way, if you follow spoilers, Monday the 23rd’s episode spoiler was wildly off. It said Taylor visits a connection and reveals a secret. But that conversation with Lee happened at Steffy’s house on Friday. They need to fire whoever writes these inaccurate spoilers!

Now that we’re into this Taylor dying thing, there are several options for recycled storylines. I feel like Brad Bell is doing a redo of an old plot. The big question is: which one? I was already worried that Brad Bell brought Taylor back just to kill her. Now I’m concerned he’ll do something worse—like kill someone else to save her.

Remember Katie Logan’s heart transplant? Her brother, Storm Logan, shot himself so his heart could be given to Katie to save her life. Now, I don’t think anyone is going to shoot themselves for Taylor, but I do wonder if Brad Bell will kill another character so Taylor can live. Maybe Thomas Forrester?

Thomas has been absent for a while. Fans keep asking where he is, and maybe Brad is tired of those questions. We saw Paris and Thomas come back to LA briefly, but then they disappeared again. Maybe Thomas is fated to die, and his heart will go to his mother. It makes sense that when Thomas hears Taylor is dying, he’ll rush back to LA. So far, only Lee, Taylor, and her doctor know about her condition.

Another random plot point—why bring back pilot Deacon Sharpe’s friend, Du Stevens, for a weird scene? Maybe something is wrong with Du that went undiagnosed. Could he crash the Forrester jet while flying Thomas back to LA? Maybe Thomas survives long enough to donate his heart.

I doubt both Thomas and Taylor will come out of this alive. I hope they do, but I don’t trust Brad Bell with characters he doesn’t seem to like. This could be a redo of the Katie and Storm plot, or maybe we’ll see a replay of Stephanie and Brooke’s storyline.

Brooke recently told Taylor she wants them to be real friends. This time, it seemed genuine, unlike their messy past. Stephanie Forrester, Ridge’s mom, always hated Brooke. She called her “the slut from the valley” and plotted against her. But in the end, Brooke was there when Stephanie died in her arms. Fans are worried that Brad Bell will redo that scene, but with Taylor dying in Brooke’s arms instead.

Another possibility is they’ll kill Taylor, but we’ll get another “miracle cure” like with Eric Forrester. Remember Eric’s “dying” storyline? They never said what was killing him for months. Eventually, Finn and Bridget did surgery, and suddenly, Eric was fine. No chemo, no radiation—just martinis and a wedding to Donna Logan afterward. Fans didn’t buy it, and I’m sure Brad Bell is trying that twist again with Taylor.

There’s still time for the writers to pivot. With Taylor’s medical degree, she should know to see a specialist for a proper diagnosis. This primary care diagnosis of certain death is sketchy at best.

What do you think? Will Taylor get Thomas’s heart? Someone else’s? Will they kill her off and recreate Stephanie and Brooke’s scene? Or will we get another 11th-hour miracle cure like with Eric Forrester? Let me know in the comments! Please subscribe if you’re not already following us, and come back soon.

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