Days of our Lives: Johnny Cheats Then Finds Out Chanel Was Faithful?

You’re listening to Soap Dirt, the latest in television entertainment news. Hey Days fans, so Johnny Deera is tormenting himself with visions of his wife and her co-star doing the deed all over the place, and it looks like he might do some adultery himself and then find out he made a terrible misstep.
It’s Belinda from Soap Dirt, and we’re going to dive into a big twist that may be coming in Johnny and Chanel Dupri’s marriage. But first, please click subscribe if you’re not following us.
If you’re current on your Days of Our Lives episodes, you may already know that Johnny Deera is insanely jealous about Chanel working so closely with that fine hunk of man meat Alex Kakis. I mean, it doesn’t get much hotter than Robert Scott Wilson, am I right? So, Johnny’s been having nightmares about Alex and Chanel doing the deed in their bed and all over, and that was even before Johnny walked in on Alex getting frisky with some lucky lady in the hospital bed on the set of Body and Soul. Of course, we all know it was Stephanie Johnson making the two-back beast with Alex, not Chanel, but Johnny doesn’t know that.
Even worse, his wife Chanel was downstairs in the ER getting checked out because she threw her back out tying her shoe. Been there, done that—am I right? When I threw my back out, I was tying my shoe and sneezed. You never want to do those two things together when you’re over 40! Kayla’s boss warned Johnny not to walk into that room, but he did. He saw Alex’s bare back and all the wiggling around and decided his wife was being unfaithful because of his own paranoia. Since then, Johnny’s been a snarky jerk to her, thinking Alex was the one who threw out Chanel’s back—which definitely sounds like a more fun way to get a backache than tying your sneakers!
Johnny then had another nightmare about them doing the deed at the office where he works, which led him to rip up a promo poster for the soap. My Days leaker sent me some info several weeks ago, saying Johnny and Chanel’s marriage is about to hit a rough patch—rougher than it already is—because of a new girl coming to Salem. At the time, I didn’t talk about it because I thought, “Why would Johnny get involved with some other woman?” Now, things have changed, and the leak makes more sense to me, so I’m talking about it now.
This gorgeous new woman heading our way is Joy Wesley, sister of Khloe Lane and daughter of Craig and Nancy Wesley. Joy was a baby Nancy gave birth to so she could donate bone marrow to save her big sister Khloe’s life. She’s what they call a “savior sibling,” one born specifically to donate life-saving material to an older sibling. Joy was born in 2003 and hasn’t been seen much since, but now they’ve cast adult Alexandria Hopkins in the role of Joy—and she is gorgeous!
Nancy brings beautiful Joy to town and talks Bonnie Kakis into getting her daughter an audition for the soap opera shooting in Salem. This puts Joy on a collision course to meet Johnny, who feels jealous and betrayed by his wife, Chanel, and her scene partner, Alex. To make things worse, Johnny thinks they are laughing at him behind his back while lying to his face.
Chanel recently told Johnny she was headed to the bakery, but instead, she snuck over to Alex’s place to get him to help plan Johnny’s surprise birthday party. She wants to do it at work so the Deera servants don’t blab and ruin the surprise. Alex agreed to help, and Chanel knows he’s seeing Stephanie because she busted the Body and Soul PR chick on her way out of his place doing her walk of shame.
While their discussion was happening, Johnny was at the bakery where Chanel said she’d be, grilling Felicity, who was with her brother, Mark, asking, “Have you seen Chanel?” because she said she was coming here. Felicity said, “No, she hasn’t been here,” so Johnny kept looking. Chanel left Alex’s place and told him Johnny was clueless—but she meant about the surprise party. Johnny, eavesdropping, assumed Chanel was talking to Alex about him being clueless about their secret affair, which of course is a non-existent affair.
Next week, on Tuesday, the 22nd, Nancy and Joy arrive in Salem. On the same day, Johnny is lying to his wife, Chanel. Then on Wednesday, the 23rd, Bonnie gets Abe to agree to let Joy audition, and Johnny might be part of that. Also, on Wednesday, Marina notices something is wrong with Johnny, and that same day, Chanel and Alex are working on the big surprise for Johnny. That means Johnny might think they’re sneaking around again, plotting something naughty, since they’ll be whispering about the party.
So, will Johnny overstep and get way too close to Joy because he’s so angry and jealous? The spoiler for Thursday, October 24th, says Johnny is horrified to find out he was wrong about Chanel sleeping with Alex. The word horrified has me intrigued—could Johnny be horrified because he makes a scene at the party, accuses Chanel of cheating, and ruins his surprise birthday? Or is he horrified because he’s so sure Chanel was cheating with Alex that he sleeps with Joy for payback, only to realize he’s the one cheating in their marriage? Either scenario would be horrifying!
If Johnny does hook up with Joy, Chanel might circle back to Alex for some revenge nookie of her own, making this a super messy situation. You know soap operas—they never let couples stay happy for too long, and it seems Johnny and Chanel are about to face a whole lot of trouble.
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