General Hospital

General Hospital: Lucky & Jason History Torched – GH Retcon Sets up Bad Romances!

You’re reading to DrinkFood. Hey, General Hospital fans! On a recent episode, Jason Morgan and Lucky Spencer’s history seemed to be rewritten right before our eyes, setting the stage for romances that, according to fan reactions, at least one of them probably shouldn’t be in. Let’s dive into these retcons we saw this week and why they matter. But first, please subscribe if you haven’t already.

Quick note about preemptions, as people have been asking me if GH is preempted on Thursday. Here’s the fact: it’s possible but not confirmed yet. The reason is the MLB wildcard series. It’s best two out of three, so if the same team wins on Tuesday and Wednesday, there will be no GH preemption. If it’s a 1-1 split, and they have to play the final tiebreaker game, then a preemption will happen Thursday—but we won’t know until Wednesday’s game ends.

Now, onto the wackadoo history they’re reinventing. If you’re unfamiliar with the term “retcon,” it’s a tool writers use to twist history to fit a new storyline, often disregarding established character or show history. We’re definitely seeing this with Jason and, to some extent, Lucky. Let’s start with Jason, because that’s the huge one.

His retcon came flying out of Felicia Scorpio’s mouth when she spoke to Anna Devane at her apartment. GH writers are trying to clear a path for a romantic relationship between Jason and Anna. Just for the record, Finola Hughes is 64, and Steve Burton is 54—not a giant age gap, but the character age gap is larger. The big problem? Jason’s history with Anna’s daughter, Robin Scorpio, is the elephant in the room.

On Monday’s episode, Felicia visited Anna to get a play-by-play of the Africa trip to bring home Lucky. Anna was reminiscing about a kiss she and Jason shared when they thought they were about to die. Felicia then said, “Jason was with Robin all those years ago when she was staring death in the face, and having Jason there for you must have been comforting.” This massively understated the rich romantic history between Jason and Robin from 1996 to 1999, when they were a fan-favorite couple.

The retcon seems to be setting up a Jason-Anna romance, but it overlooks Jason’s deep love for Robin—Anna’s daughter—which makes this storyline bizarre. Jason and Robin’s relationship was a central plot during their teenage years, and Anna knew him as Robin’s high school friend. Now, onto Lucky Spencer.

Liz Weber, with help from her friend Terry Randolph, got her own minor retcon. Terry mentioned Lucky was back in town, and Liz reminisced about how Lucky saved her after her traumatic rape, saying he helped her realize her strength. While that’s true, the retcon glossed over their complicated history, including Lucky’s cheating on Liz and vice versa. GH seems to be angling for a reunion, but the writers are sweeping their tumultuous past under the rug.

Thanks for being a loyal reading! Follow us wherever you get your podcasts to catch the next episode.

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