Bold and the Beautiful

Taylor has cancer, she is dying CBS The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers

CBS’s The Bold and the Beautiful revealed that Taylor is back in Los Angeles and confessed that she wants to be with her family. She has been focusing on her charity work overseas as a doctor. Taylor wants to do something to help patients in need, but ultimately, she still wants to return to her family. She seems desperate to spend more time with her children.

Taylor wanted Thomas to return to Los Angeles, but it seems that Thomas is busy with his career. He turned down Taylor’s offer to return and asked her to come back another time.

Taylor has a lot of strange behaviors, so fans believe that Taylor may have cancer. She originally had no plans to return to Los Angeles. Stephie and Thomas contacted Taylor and asked her to return, but Taylor apparently refused at that time, saying she still had a lot of work to do. However, Taylor suddenly returned without telling anyone.

There is only one reason why Taylor is in such a hurry: she may have a terminal illness and doesn’t have much time left, which is why she returned to Los Angeles. If that is true, the upcoming plot will be very tragic. Ridge or Stephie may find out that Taylor is hiding her illness. No matter how careful Taylor is, she can’t fool everyone. Ridge and Stephie are the closest people to Taylor. If she shows any unusual behavior, they will notice it immediately, let alone something as serious as a terminal illness.

However, they don’t want to expose Taylor but will instead live happily with her during the last days of her life. Exposing Taylor’s illness won’t help; it will only worsen her mental state. Instead, they should spend happy times together.

Ridge and Stephie are still holding out hope. Eric had almost died before, and a miracle saved him. At that time, everyone thought Eric would die, even the doctor who examined him, but Eric ultimately overcame it and is now healthy. Compared to Eric, Taylor is much younger and healthier, so fans are hoping for a miracle for her too.

Taylor is one of the main characters of the show. If she dies, the storylines will become very bland. What will be Taylor’s final ending?

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