The Young and the Restless

Young and the Restless Next Week: Jack Dumps Diane & Cops Find More Evidence

You’re listening to Soap Dirt, the latest in television entertainment news. Hey Y&R fans, as always on Friday, we’ve got juicy spoilers for next week! Jack Abbott is kicking Diane Jenkins to the curb, and the cops are coming through Daniel Romalotti’s apartment—and boy, do they get the goods!

It’s Belinda from Soap Dirt, please click subscribe if you’re not following us, and we’re going to dive into these hot spoilers. And as always, we will have the full roster of Young and the Restless weekly spoilers for you tomorrow. So we’ve got spoilers for Jack and Diane, for Daniel and his father Danny, and also for Chance and the crime scene where Heather Stevens died.

So, diving in, we’re going to start with the Abbott action. If you are current on your Y&R episodes for this week, you will know that Jack and Diane have been having more fights that are getting increasingly bitter, and they are in public—so it’s pretty embarrassing for the family and the couple. Jack has decided, rather unfairly, that Diane is the reason Kyle Abbott is being awful and has fallen prey to the toxic influence of Victor Newman. And for her part, Diane thinks Kyle has been coddled by Jack, so he’s an entitled brat that thinks he can get away with anything and everything.

Complicating all of this, of course, is that Diane faked her death and abandoned her son for more than two decades. She came back to get to know Kyle and earned both Jack and Kyle’s forgiveness, but now they’ve both turned on her, deciding she’s the same old Diane—selfish and manipulative. Victor has been spilling that poison into her ear, saying things to her like that, and now it seems Jack believes it, too.

Victor’s plan to ruin the Abbotts has been a smashing success, and that’s the context leading into what happens next week. Tracy Abbott sees a devastated Diane Jenkins in the living room of the mansion. Tracy asks what happened, and Diane says that Jack asked her to move out. The last argument we saw was Diane telling Kyle that he hit a new low by stealing Jabot’s product, and Jack reminded her that she walked out on their son.

So, Diane called Jack mean, and he called her a narcissist, and then she just walked away from both of them. Now, Jack has asked Diane to pack and go. I’m pretty sure she will, but I bet Jack is going to regret it. But we all know just how stubborn that Abbott man can be when he gets a bug up his butt about something—and right now, that bug is Victor.

Next, we have spoilers about the search in Daniel’s apartment for more evidence. Just to set the stage for this, what I’m about to tell you might be new info if you’ve not already seen Friday’s Y&R episode, which is Michelle Stafford’s 30th anniversary and has some flashbacks but also moves the Heather murder storyline forward.

Phyllis is certain on Friday that Sharon killed Heather and is framing Daniel, but her kids are skeptical. Phyllis told them what Sharon is capable of—how Sharon threw her down the stairs once in a jealous rage and tampered with Summer’s paternity test to make it seem like Jack was her father, not Nick. Phyllis figures that Sharon argued with Heather, leading to her death, which was some kind of accident.

Phyllis vows on Friday to get proof that Sharon did this so she can exonerate Daniel. She also thinks she can convince Chance, as she doubts he believes Daniel is guilty. Summer, however, wants Daniel to get a lawyer.

Now, heading into next week: there’s a GCPD team scouring Daniel’s apartment for evidence. Chance is sitting on the sofa, looking at a piece of pink paper. It could be a kid’s drawing, a flyer—hard to tell if it’s important. The police are searching all around, and one officer behind the couch says to Chance, “We’ve got something.” That’s where Heather’s body was before Sharon wrapped her up and took her away. They might have found blood spatter, as Sharon didn’t clean the crime scene well.

This evidence will make Daniel look guiltier, since it’s in his apartment. Speaking of Daniel, next week, he talks to his father, Danny Romalotti, via video call. Daniel says the evidence against him is solid enough that he’s expecting a knock at the door any moment.

I’m assuming Daniel and Lucy are staying at the GCAC because Chance said they couldn’t stay at the apartment since it’s a crime scene. Hopefully, Phyllis and Summer will intervene and convince Chance that the evidence is too conveniently planted.

Phyllis also points out that Daniel had no reason to hide bloody towels in his apartment and then invite Chance to search. Plus, the unsent text to Paul should have a timestamp after Heather’s time of death, and Daniel has an alibi—he was with Lucy when Heather died. There’s no physical evidence in his car, which would have been there if he had transported Heather’s body.

In the end, it’s all circumstantial and hearsay against Daniel. After the video call, Danny might send Christine Williams to Genoa City to defend Daniel. As much as Phyllis dislikes Cricket, she’ll be glad to have her there to protect Daniel from Sharon’s frame job.

Thank you for being a loyal listener! Follow us wherever you get your podcasts—you don’t want to miss the next episode! Soap Dirt is on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and more.

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